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For this we stand

Clean air, living nature and a high quality of life. Discover our climate promises for the city of Eschwege.

Latest news

Living climate protection and sustainability together

Zählerstand melden

Report meter reading

Customer data

Frequently asked questions

How are the budget billing amounts determined and when are they due?

The basis for determining your budget billing amount is your consumption shown on the annual bill. For this consumption, converted to a full year if necessary, the current prices are used as a basis and the result is divided by the number of months (12).

The billing amounts are due on the 1st of each month, retroactively for the previous month. You will receive the due dates with your annual bill. There will be 12 budget billing amounts listed, with the 12th budget billing due on 12/31 for the month of December.

To make it easier for you to pay your budget billing, we offer you to give us a SEPA direct debit mandate. Please send this by mail or e-mail to nfstdtwrk-schwgd. Or you can submit your data online using our form.

What deadlines do I have to meet when moving in or out?

Please notify us of your move-in up to two weeks before the moving date. Due to legal requirements, you are obligated to notify us immediately when you move in (§§ 2 Abs.II StromGVV, 2 Abs.II GasGVV, 2 Abs.II AVBWasserV).

You can notify us of your move-out up to two weeks before the date of the move. You will then receive the final bill on the requested date. Without notice, the supply contract continues, even if another user has moved into the apartment in the meantime. Due to legal requirements, you are obligated to notify us of your move-out immediately (§§ 2 Abs.II StromGVV, 2 Abs.II GasGVV, 2 Abs.II AVBWasserV).

What is the easiest way to issue a SEPA mandate?

As a private customer, it is best to provide our customer service team with your bank details and customer number in writing by e-mail to nfstdtwrk-schwgd, or you can submit your details online using our form.


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