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09. November 2021

Reading of electricity, gas and water meters

From 12.11.2021 the Stadtwerke Eschwege GmbH starts with meter reading

The annual billing of the energy and drinking water supply is just around the corner, so Stadtwerke Eschwege GmbH needs the consumption data of all customers. In the months of November and December 2021, commissioned meter readers will read the electricity and gas meters and, as a service provider for the Eschwege water supply company and the municipality of Wehretal, the water meters in all households. Of course, all meter readers are equipped with disinfectant and wear a mouth-nose protection.

The assigned meter readers can legitimize themselves at any time by means of a service ID card with photo. Meter reading is also necessary for supply points that do not purchase electricity or natural gas from Stadtwerke Eschwege GmbH, as Stadtwerke Eschwege GmbH requires the meter readings for billing or forwarding to the respective energy supplier. Households and commercial enterprises can support a smooth reading of the meter readings by making the meter installations easily accessible.

Meter readings will begin on Friday, Nov. 12, 2021, and should be completed in time for Christmas. Readings will generally be taken between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. Monday through Friday and between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. on Saturdays. There will be no meter reading on Sundays. If the meter readers do not meet anyone two or three times, the customer will receive a letter asking them to read the meter themselves. For customers whose meter readings are not available by the beginning of January 2022, these meter readings will be estimated for the 2021 annual billing, taking into account the previous year's consumption and seasonal fluctuations in consumption.

If customers have any questions, they are welcome to contact Stadtwerke Eschwege GmbH via the toll-free service number 0800 0 807000 or by e-mail at nfstdtwrk-schwgd.

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