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Basic and substitute supply

Basic supply
The prices and conditions of the basic supply apply to household customers who take gas from the gas supply network of the general supply in low pressure via which Stadtwerke Eschwege GmbH carries out the basic supply as the basic supplier and who have not concluded any other gas supply contract.

Substitute supply
The prices and conditions of the substitute supply apply to end consumers who obtain energy via the energy supply network of the general supply in low pressure without this purchase being attributable to a supply or a specific supply contract. This means, for example, that all end consumers in low-pressure whose suppliers have terminated or had to terminate the contracts - for whatever reason - or become insolvent, fall under the statutory substitute supply. Legislation stipulates that the substitute supply ends as soon as the customer is supplied on the basis of a special contract, but no later than three months after the start of the substitute supply. If the customer does not expressly opt for a special contract, he will be supplied under the basic supply after the end of the substitute supply without having to take any action.

Please refer to the correspondingly valid Gas Basic Supply Ordinance GasGVV and the associated Supplementary Terms and Conditions GasGVV.

Price sheets basic and substitute supply

Kundenservice Erdgas

+49 5651 807-0
oder kostenfrei
0800 0 807000

Notruf Erdgas
0800 0 807666

Stadtwerke Eschwege GmbH
Niederhoner Straße 36
37269 Eschwege



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